Emergency Notifications
Did you know you can receive emergency notifications for your home, work, child's school, or places you frequently visit? You can!
In Arapahoe and Adams County, CodeRED system is used to allow Public Safety Agencies to warn citizens/residents/visitors of danger and other important information. The agencies can call, text, or email multiple individuals and businesses to warn of dangerous suspects, flood, fire, or chemical spills. Due to the variety of weather related alert services available, CodeRED is not generally utilized for weather related notifications.
It is important to note that while these systems can provide notifications for various circumstances, they are not intended to be the sole source of emergency notifications. Use of these systems does not guarantee that every person will receive an emergency notification in every situation since phone lines may be down, cell phones may be turned off, etc. These systems should be considered as supplemental notification systems to provide you with information, when available. While these can be a great supplemental tool, we also encourage all residents to take ownership of their own preparedness through developing family disaster plans, building 72-hour Emergency Kits, listening to NOAA weather radios, and being aware of their surroundings and weather conditions. More information on preparedness can be found at: http://www.readycolorado.com